Cover image for Before the Storm by Christie Golden

Reviewed by: Joscelyn Lockwood, Youth Services Assistant

Genre: Fantasy

Suggested Age: Adults

What is the book about?: Azeroth is dying, and the lifeblood of the planet produces a material worth going to war over. This mysterious substance, known as Azerite, is capable of incredible feats of creation and destruction alike. As King Anduin Wrynn of the Alliance and Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner of the Horde are making plans to hold a summit between factions, old prejudices and new machinations are threatening to bring the tenuous peace crumbling down.

My Review: Before the Storm is the novel to bridge the gap between the current World of Warcraft game expansion, Legion, and the new expansion releasing in August, Battle for Azeroth. With the perspective switching characters every chapter or so, the book gives several different viewpoints as events unfold. I thoroughly enjoyed the subplot between the Gnomish and Goblin engineers, almost as much as I liked the main story. Ms. Golden continues to write compelling, descriptive characters that you can empathize with. Parts made me laugh out loud, as well as shed a few tears. A fantastic summer read for those both familiar with the game, and newcomers alike.

Three Words That Describe This Book: Emotional, Character-driven, Frustrating

Give This a Try if You Like… Game characters being explored in more detail, swords and sorcery, World of Warcraft 

Rating: 4/5

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FDL Reads is a series of weekly book reviews from Fondulac District Library.