Cover image for Killing Floor by Lee Child

Reviewed by: Jacob Roberts, Reference Assistant

Genre: Thriller

Suggested Age: Adults

What is the book about?: In the small, well-kept town of Margrave, Georgia an ex-military police officer is taken into custody for murder. His name’s Jack Reacher, and he was drifting through, on an impromptu decision, due to a legend he once heard from his brother. He now realizes his mistake, as the longer he stays the more corruption unfolds around him. He nearly leaves town once he is cleared, but new evidence comes to light that makes him realize the corruption of the town is more than a stray, meandering decision he had to get off at an arbitrary backwoods bus stop—it’s personal.

My Review: Jack Reacher is an extraordinary case to consider for the avid reader. Child refuses to create a passive character. Rather, he creates a character that seeks adventure, and will win against every situation that is placed in front of him. Because of the little flaw that is present in Reacher it may make the critics wonder how such an unrealistic  character can keep them turning the page. I believe it is because of the innate desire that we all have when we read books to have the tough guys be knocked down. If Jack Reacher wasn’t fighting for truth, then the book wouldn’t sell, but because he walks up to the bullies of our youth and knocks them down a peg or two we rejoice alongside him. I believe that the reader forgives his lack of flaws for the amount of trouble that he finds himself in. Despite a constantly winning character, he is forced into countless life or death situations that keep the reader on the edge of their seat. Child does a terrific job at emphasizing Reacher’s strength as a beacon of attention that appears to draw, rather than discourage, his enemies because of the threat he poses to both their operation and their desire to enlist compliance throughout the community.

Three Words That Describe This Book: Intense, thrilling, fast

Give This a Try if You Like…Dealbreaker by Harlan Coben, City of the Sun by David Levien, or The Cove by Catherine Coulter

Rating: 4/5

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