Did you know you can pay your library fines online? FDL offers online fine payment as an easy and convenient option for paying your fines. Simply head to fondulaclibrary.org, select ‘My Account’ from the top menu bar, and enter your library card number and pin to log in. Select the ‘Fines’ tab for an overview of the late fees or charges associated with your card, read and accept the terms and conditions, and select ‘Pay online to Fondulac District Library.’

Please note that the minimum online payment allowed is $1, and a convenience fee of 50¢ will be added to your payment. Enter your credit card information, email address for a receipt, and select ‘Submit’ to complete the transaction.

Paying your fines online is a great option for those times you can’t make it to the library, forget your wallet, or need to pay down your fines so you can place a hold on a book. Whatever the reason, try it out and ask a librarian for assistance if you have any questions!