The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks

Reviewed by:  Susie Rivera

Genre:  Fantasy

Suggested Age:  Adults, Teens

What is this Book About?  Shea Ohmsford’s life is forever changed when the druid Allanon appears in his peaceful home of Shady Vale.  The Four Lands are in grave danger as the evil Warlock Lord plots to take over the known realms.  The legendary Sword of Shannara is the only thing that can be used to defeat him. Shea learns that he is descended from Jerle Shannara, the last hero to wield the sword, and his bloodline gives him the ability to control the weapon.  Shea and his brother Flick begin an epic journey to find the sword.  On the way they meet allies and enemies amidst the the backdrop of the Warlock Lord’s encroaching army.

My Review:  I decided to read this novel because I really enjoyed The Shannara Chronicles series.  The television show actually begins with book two of Brooks’ original Shannara trilogy, The Elfstones of Shannara, and now I can understand why this choice was made. The Sword of Shannara is very similar to Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. So similar, in fact, that a reader can make a list of  side-by-side characters and events.  In Brooks’ defense, though, there had not been a fantasy series to match Lord of the Rings yet in the 1970’s;  therefore, he was pressured by his editor to make it more similar to Lord of the Rings in order to appease Tolkien’s fan base and reignite the fantasy industry.  The novel was hugely popular and did much for fantasy as a genre at the time. Subsequent novels do depart from Tolkien, though, and readers can appreciate Brooks’ more unique vision.

Three Words That Describe This Book: Epic, Classic, Adventure

Give it a Try if You Like: Classic fantasy like David Eddings and Robert Jordan, The Shannara Chronicles,  The Lord of the Rings 

Rating: 3/5

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