The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery

Reviewed by: Sarah Baker, Library Volunteer

Genre: Historical Fiction

Suggested Age: Adult

What is this Book About?  Valency is 29, an old maid with no prospects in 1920s rural Canada. She’s miserable – her family have pigeon-holed and hen-pecked her to the point that she won’t stand up to them or disobey. And she’s had this strange pain in her chest of late. When a doctor gives her a grim diagnosis, Valency decides to live life on her own terms.

My Review:  I wasn’t sure what to expect from this but it was delightful! Valency’s family is stiff and formal, never letting anyone forget even tiny transgressions, and poor Valency is pushed down from a young age. So when she rebels, you can’t help but cheer for the girl. She shows more pluck and care in the course of a few days than most her family have shown their whole lives. And when she leaves to go take care of an ostracized girl who is dying, she does so because she knows it’s the right thing to do. Her time with the Gays lets her blossom and become the woman she always should have been. And she does​ take a husband, the most disreputable Barney Snaith. It’s not a love match, but Valency loves him and he has affections for her. The ending did my poor heart some good.

Three Words That Describe This Book:  Thoughtful, Fun, Inspiring

Give it a Try if You Like:  Anne of Green Gables, Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters, When Calls The Heart

Rating: 5/5

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