Watch this DIY with FDL tutorial to make a cute decorative collage letter for your home, designed by Jessica! Follow the written instructions below (and learn from her mistakes)!

Collage Letter Wall Hanging

An easy craft you can do with things lying around the house!

You will need:

  • Cardboard
  • Magazines
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue (optional)
  • Mod podge and GLUE STICK!
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Xacto knife (optional)


  1. Find cardboard and draw your letter!
  2. Cut out your letter.
    I used mainly scissors for my letter, but it was pretty easy since it’s all straight lines.
    You may want to use an Xacto or utility knife if yours is more complicated. Just be careful!
  3. Reinforce back of letter (optional)
    I needed a bit more support in the middle of my letter, so I hot glued a scrap of cardboard to the back where it was a bit flimsy. You may not need to do this step.
  4. Find a variety of colors/textures in some old magazines and cut them to various sizes and shapes. I went with a rainbow theme and stuck with straight edge shapes.
  5. Learn from my mistakes!
    I started out this project using Mod Podge, forgetting how runny and wet it is. This will warp your magazine pages and cause lots of wrinkles in your paper, in your plans, and on your face as you weep for your ruined project. Skip the Mod Podge and use a glue stick instead!
  6. Soldier on.
    Find a new adhesive, preferably a glue stick, and keep adding your lovely little papers.
  7. Switch back to Mod Podge because you couldn’t actually find a glue stick and the spray adhesive you found doesn’t work for top layers.
    Curse yourself for your hubris.
    “This time will be different!” you said. “I’ll just use a tiny bit! It’ll be fine!”
    Weep once again, for it was not fine.
  8. Let dry. Flip over and glue down the flappy edges. You actually CAN use Mod Podge for this part (I PROMISE) because it makes the paper supple and easy to fold back. Nobody will see the wrinkly back.
  9. Finished! Just let it dry and make a mental note to find your glue stick before starting the next one!