Peace Talks  by Jim Butcher

Reviewed by: Melissa Friedlund, Reference Assistant

Genre: Fantasy

Suggested Age: Adult

What is This Book About?  In the long-awaited 16th novel of the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher, Harry Dresden is once again dealing with more than his share of challenges. Delegations of several supernatural “nations” are gathering in Chicago for peace talks.  Harry’s place on the wizards’ White Council is in jeopardy. Throw in the unveiling of new (or more accurately, “ancient”) being who may be more powerful that Queen Mab, and it’s business as usual for the never-idle Harry Dresden. But when a head-of-state is nearly assassinated, Harry is caught between a rock and a hard place. Can he save his brother from a summary execution without triggering an all-out war?

My Review:  I listened to the audiobook version and thoroughly enjoyed it. It helps that I am a big fan of the Dresden Files and have listened and re-listened to each book multiple times over the last several years.  In this next installment of Harry’s adventures, we see how his relationships with daughter, Maggie, and girlfriend, Karrin, are moving forward.  At the same time, he is juggling his potentially conflicting roles as the Winter Knight and member of the White Council. This book has what I would call “Easter eggs” scattered throughout where Harry is reacquainted with or reminded of numerous characters and events from nearly all of the past books and short stories.  If you want to recognize these, you may want to revisit the earlier novels or the short story collections before diving into this book.  When you get to the end, it is clear that the story is not over.  It’s a good thing book #17 is due out in late September!

Three Words That Describe This Book:  Non-stop, Jam-packed, Unfolding

Give This a Try if You Like… Any Dresden Files novel by Jim Butcher, White Sand by Brandon Sanderson, Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews

Rating: 4.5/5

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