With election day coming up, a lot of kids might be eager to understand the concept of voting and why adults think it’s important. If you’re not sure where to start when explaining how election day works or what it means, try using a book that turns the voting process into both a story and a call to action. There are lots of books that make elections easy for children to understand and will inspire them to take part as they grow older, and we’ve put together a list of some of the best.

Picture Books:

Vote for Me! by Ben Clanton

I Voted: Making a Choice Makes a Difference by Mark Shulman

Vote for Our Future! by Margaret McNamara

Equality’s Call: The Story of Voting Rights in America by Deborah Diesen

Vote! by Eileen Christelow


Why Voting Matters by Kip Almasy (also available on hoopla)

Understanding U.S. Elections and the Electoral College by Grace Houser (also available on hoopla)

Other Resources:

School House Rock!: Election Collection on DVD

The PBS website also has a collection of materials that can help teach your child about the election process and issues related to it.

– Cindy, Youth Services Assistant