Welcome to a special story time with Kylo Ren! Kylo is visiting the library for Star Wars Week to read us a story about the most infamous character in the galaxy – his grandfather Darth Vader!


Song: Hello, Friends

(using ASL)

Hello, friends! Hello, friends!

Hello, friends! It’s time to say hello!


Song: Open Them, Shut Them

Open them, shut them, open them, shut them.

Give a little clap, clap, clap!

Open them, shut them, open them, shut them.

Put them in your lap, lap, lap!

Creep them, creep them, slowly creep them,

Right up to your chin, chin, chin!

Open wide your little mouth,

But do not let them in!

Book: Are You Scared, Darth Vader?

Written by Adam Rex and published by Disney Lucasfilm Press.


Song: I am Special

(to the tune of Frere Jacques)

I am special, I am special, (point to self)

You can see, you can see. (point away from self)

Someone very special, someone very special, (hold hands out in questioning motion)

That is me, that is me. (point to self)

Craft: Color Resist Death Star

Pick up a craft kit from the Youth Services Department or the drive-up window while supplies last!

Included in Kit:

  • White crayon
  • Black marker
  • Coffee filters


  1. Flatten out the coffee filter and use the white crayon to trace the segments of the Death Star.
  2. Color all over the coffee filter with the black marker. What happens to the crayon?
  3. Try this out: color chromatography! Create your Death Star, then try dripping water on it, or dip it in water. What happens to the marker?

– Alice, Youth Services Manager