FDL Reads: The Lost Apothecary

2021-10-04T12:29:17-05:00September 21st, 2021|

The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner

Reviewed by: Susie Rivera, Reference Specialist

Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fiction

Suggested Age: Adults

What is This Book About?: In the late 1700s, Nella runs a hidden apothecary shop in London. Rather than dispensing concoctions for healing, Nella gives out poisons to women who want to get rid of men who have wronged them. In present day, Caroline is vacationing in London without her husband. Caroline studied English literature and history but gave up her dreams of becoming a historian when she took a desk job at her parents’ estate. While on a mud larking expedition,  she happens upon an old apothecary vile and begins to investigate its origins. As she digs more into her research, unexpected connections between the past and future come to light.

My Review: I read this novel for our FDL Swords and Sorcery fantasy book club. This book was definitely heavy on the historical fiction side, rather than fantasy. The fantasy aspect does pop up in the end, however. If you like your fantasy heavy on the magic, etc. then this is probably not the book for you. I enjoyed it and was actually hooked from the first chapter. Though some events are a little implausible, I will give Sarah Penner some leeway as this is her debut novel.

Three Words That Describe This Book:  Secrets, Girl Power, Concoctions

Give this a try if you like… In the Dark by Loreth Anne White, The Other Mrs. by Mary Kubica, Writers and Lovers by Lily King

Rating: 4/5

Find it at the library!

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FDL Reads is a series of weekly book reviews from Fondulac District Library.

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