The Annual Migration of Clouds by Premee Mohamed

Reviewed by: Melissa Friedlund, Reference Specialist

Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopian

Suggested Age: Adult, Teen

What is the book about? Reid is a young woman living in a post-climate-disaster world where food is scarce and a mysterious fungal infection afflicts many, including her. When presented with a rare opportunity, will she jump at the chance to leave and live a better life or remain behind to eek out a living with her mother to avoid the guilt of leaving her behind? To assuage her guilt, Reid and her friend, Henryk, join a dangerous hunt that could give her mother the resources she’ll need to survive or relieve Reid of any decision making by ending with her gory death.

My Review: I enjoyed this novella so much, I was craving a continuation of the story. With the brevity of the story, the reader is left without the answers to every question, but I was left with a feeling of hope for Reid’s situation. The enigmatic, semi-sapient fungal infection was definitely something that I would have liked Reid to explore more in the future… before it kills her. This felt a bit like Hunger Games crossed with Divergent yet sprinkled with something new. I look forward to more writings by this author.

Three Words That Describe This Book: Intriguing, Edgy, Engaging

Give This a Try if You Like… The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Divergent by Veronica Roth, The Fragile Earth by Susannah Wise

Rating: 4.5/5

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