The Party Crasher by Sophie Kinsella

Reviewed By: Dawn Dickey, library volunteer

Genre: Romance

Suggested Age: Adult

What Is The Book About?: In the two years since Effie’s parents unexpectedly divorced, Effie’s father has acquired a new girlfriend. To Effie’s horror, Dad and the detested girlfriend Krista now plan to sell Effie’s beloved family home, Greenoaks, before moving overseas to start a new life. Krista plans a lavish party for friends and family to say goodbye to the beloved home – and she doesn’t invite Effie, since she detests Effie as much as Effie dislikes Krista. Despite her siblings’ pleas, Effie pledges she will not just turn up at the party uninvited – she will boycott it. But that changes when Effie realizes that her beloved Russian dolls are still in the house, and she must rescue them before it is too late. She decides that the night of the party is the perfect time to sneak into the house – until ex-boyfriend Joe sees her sneaking about the house, trying to find a way in. Then the fun really begins!

My Review: Written with a sympathetic but comic appreciation for the feelings and madcap antics of her characters, this book is a gleeful and poignant ride through the changes that can happen in a person’s life and coming to terms with those changes. Kinsella deftly draws her characters: stalwart older sister Bean and older brother Gus, ex-boyfriend Joe who ghosted Effie, starry-eyed Dad who has fallen for a younger woman, and outrageous Effie, whose daring knows no bounds. The tale is both touching and laugh-out-loud funny. Give this tale a go – you’ll be glad you did!

Three Words That Describe This Book: zany, moving, charming

Give This a Try if You Like… chick lit

Rating:  5/5

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