the raven boys | Book Marauder

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

Reviewed by: Susie Rivera, Reference Specialist

Genre: Paranormal Fantasy

Suggested Age: Teens, Adults

What is the book about? Blue lives with her psychic family in a small town in Virginia. She doesn’t have any special powers herself, aside from the ability to amplify the powers of others. For years, Blue has been aware of a prophecy that she will cause the death of her true love. One night, she sees an apparition of a young man named Gansey, who she feels very drawn to. Days later she runs into the real Gansey and his friends, students at the local college. Blue never gets involved with these “Raven Boys,” but when she learns more about them and their search for magical pathways of spiritual energy, Blue can’t resist.

My Review: Based on the synopsis of this book, I definitely expected more romance along the lines of West Side Story, but it throws some curveballs in terms of plot. I had to settle with the fact that this is the first book in this series and there is more to come in the sequels. There are several mysteries that keep you wanting to read more and a bit of a cliffhanger that sets up the next book in the series. I liked Blue and most of the Raven Boys. They seemed a bit interchangeable at first, but then the characterization gets better as you read more. If you like YA, paranormal fantasy, and dark academia, then check this one out!

Three Words That Describe This Book: Supernatural, Magical, Paranormal

Give This a Try if You Like…Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo , Vicious by V.E. Schwab, If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio

Rating: 4/5

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