Reading to your children as early as possible is so very important to their future development! Reading to an infant may seem silly sometimes – of course they don’t understand everything that is going on – but the benefits can be long-standing. Studies show that reading to babies helps stimulate growth in communication, basic concepts, and listening skills. It’s never too early to start your child on their reading pathway! Here are some suggestions to get started:

Baby’s Black & White Books: Outdoors by Grace Habib

High-contrast pictures are great for babies’ developing eyes! They are easier for them to focus on and help their retinal growth. This book has various high-contrast images as well as some peek-a-boo spots for baby to have fun with!

Moo, Baa, La La La! by Sandra Boynton

Funny rhymes are super helpful for babies developing speech sounds and patterns. Repetitive and expected sounds help create neural pathways toward more sophisticated speech. And animal sounds are always fun!

Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes by Judy Hindley

This book will help baby start associating words with their own body. This can be their first self-connection to text, which will help them better develop understanding of literature as well as make positive associations with books.

Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh

Colors are sometimes the first basics babies learn about the world. Mouse Paint uses high-contrast images and simple text to explore the world of art and color in the world.

– Chelsea, Youth Services Assistant