Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally RooneyReview: Sally Rooney's 'Beautiful World, Where Are You?' : NPR

Reviewed by: Susie Rivera, Reference Specialist

Genre: Contemporary fiction

Suggested age: Adult

What is this book about? Four characters navigate their lives in Ireland amidst post Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic. Eileen is an editor of a literary magazine and her friend, Alice is a successful author. They were very close in college and now, in their 30s, stay in touch by texting and emailing. Eileen becomes involved with Simon, a classmate and friend from their past while Alice begins dating Felix, a warehouse worker she meets on Tinder. Their romances have ups and downs, but the two women always stay in touch, even though they are not always geographically close.

My review: I loved Normal People and Conversations With Friends by Sally Rooney. Both have been adapted into television series within the last few years. There’s something about her characters and writing that keep me so interested. This novel is more similar to Conversations With Friends as it is about two women and their friendship as well as romantic entanglements. What sets it a part is the correspondence between Eileen and Alice. The emails sent back and forth provide a commentary on the modern world, economy, political environment, etc. I wonder how much of this echoes Rooney’s own beliefs. It’s almost as if she interspersed her own essays into this book. So, while I loved the plots of the main characters, I found the commentary a bit long winded. However, the novel is still under 400 pages and very readable. I will definitely checkout any future novels by Rooney. I listened to the audiobook, expertly narrated by Aoife McMahon who really brings the characters to life.

Three words that describe this book: Intelligent, Emotional, Modern

Give this a try if you likeNormal People by Sally Rooney, Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney, or Exciting Times by Naoise Dolan

Rating: 4/5

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