This week, during 2023’s Banned Books Week and as we wrap up the Central Illinois Reads: Freedom to Read initiative, the library is proud to share this video displaying intellectual freedom in action.

On May 4, 2023, Fondulac District Library hosted a panel discussion with East Peoria Community High School students about the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. The book,  about a teenage girl’s journey through her trauma after a sexual assault, is often challenged and/or banned due to its portrayal of lived experience and mature content. The eight participating students spoke thoughtfully, eloquently, and maturely in sharing their insights about the book and the complex issues it includes, as well as the challenges it often receives.

We thank EPCHS’s Jill Dawson for organizing this group of students and Ben Diggle for videotaping this event.

(Please note that microphones were not used for this event, and volume adjustments will be necessary throughout viewing.)