Junior High by Tegan and Sara Quin

Reviewed By: Chelsea Bunton, library volunteer

Genre: Coming of age (graphic novel)

Suggested Age: Middle School (11-14)

What is This Book About? If junior high wasn’t hard enough- twins Tegan and Sara are entering with the caveat of a whole new school. Having just moved to a new neighborhood, they only have each other as they navigate the super confusing dynamics and politics that is being a junior high girl. As they make friends (and frenemies), they begin to discover more about themselves. Fitting in is a battle in itself- but they must also confront crushes, body changes, grades, and…chicken pox?! Tegan and Sara have written this graphic novel about their own encounters growing up, though set in a different era as they were actually tweens in the 90s. Times have changed…but the experiences of junior high can always relate- no matter the generation. Indie-pop artists turned graphic novel authors, the Quin sisters have bared themselves to show readers they are not alone in their circumstances and there ARE better days ahead!

My Review: When I learned that one of my favorite Indie groups had written a graphic novel- I had several thoughts. First…what??!? Second… I MUST read this! I assumed this would be a bit of a biopic about the Quin sisters’ experiences as tweens. I did not realize it would be more of a reimagining of their ordeals set in modern times. I think it would be so fun to reflect on my own past in a more current setting! Even though it’s been quite a few years since Tegan and Sara have been in Junior High (and, admittedly, me as well-), these types of experiences are timeless and so relatable to us all. Though much of the story is fiction, the authors sprinkle in easter eggs for readers who are aware of who they would grow up to become. I’m always drawn in to “coming of age” stories as they hit so close to home- there’s a reason this is such a big genre in media, it’s a pivotal time in our lives and makes such an impact that it deserves its own special story-telling. This was such a fun graphic novel and I can’t wait for the follow-up (Crush)!

Three Words that Describe this Book: Musical, Relatable, LGBTQ+

Give This A Try if You LikeBerrybrook Middle School series by Svetlana Chmakova, Drama by Raina Telgemeier, The Babysitters Club (Books, show, graphic novel)

Rating: 5/5

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