Folktales for a Better World: Stories of Peace and Kindness by Elizabeth Laird, illustrated by Mehrdokht Amini

Reviewed By: Chelsea Bunton, library volunteer

Genre: Folklore

Suggested Age: Children (7-10)

What is This Book About?  Folktales for a Better World is a short anthology collection of myths and folklore from seven countries who have all experienced strife due to conflict. Most of these stories hale from the Middle East, but all stories are connected by a central theme of humanitarian kindness. Through these tales, the reader can witness how a deeply human thing it is to experience forgiveness, inner peace, and gratitude. Though the stories may be old, the thematic experience is timeless and personal to us all.

My Review:  I always enjoy reading folklore from various origins. I very much enjoyed this particular set as they were stories I had never encountered before. It was very humbling to see stories like these that are rooted in such a very mortal desire for peace, yet they come from countries that we often generalize with dissension today. I think these stories are a testament to what could be in this world if we only look within for that brotherly nature we have lost to instinctually forgive and love our fellow man. 

 Three Words that Describe this Book:  Hopeful, charming, mythical

Give This A Try if You Like…Myths or other folklore, The Librarian of Basra by Jeannette Winter, One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights)  

 Find it at the library!

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