The Bangalore Detectives Club

By: Harini Nagendra

Reviewed by: Melissa Friedlund, Adult Services Specialist

Genre: Cozy Mystery/Historical Fiction

Suggested Age: Teen/Adult

What is the book about?  Young wife, Kaveri, moved to Bangalore a few months ago to live with her new husband, Ramu, a doctor at the local hospital.  As she has slowly been acclimating to the social setting in Bangalore, she has been attending more and more outings, including a party at the Century Club. It is here where a stunning murder occurs sending ripples of fear and anxiety through the community.  Kaveri’s curiosity takes hold and she can’t seem to stop herself from investigating.  Her new friendship with Deputy Inspector Ismail of the local police department only encourages her onward. People continue to be attacked while Kaveri is relentlessly hunting the killer.  Can she stay safe while closing in on the violent offender? Or will she be the next victim?

My Review:  I found this book to be an enjoyable cozy mystery. The main character, Kaveri, is charming and likable. She has some progressive ideas about how she wants to live her life that clash with the culture of 1920’s British India. However, her supportive husband begrudgingly allows her the freedom to indulge her curiosity and investigate the murder like it’s a new hobby. That may be a bit fanciful, but the story wouldn’t work if Kaveri were held to firm caste and gender rules.  I listened to the audiobook on hoopla and thought the voice actor’s performance enhanced the experience with authentic pronunciation and accents.

 Three Words That Describe This Book: Whimsical, Enchanting, Endearing

Give This a Try if You LikeThe No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith, The Widows of Malabar Hill by Sujata Massey, and A Disappearance in Fiji by Nilima Rao

Rating: 4/5

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