Notes from the Internet Apocalypse: A Novel by Wayne GladstoneNotes from the Internet Apocalypse

Reveiwed by: Genna Buhr, Public Services Manager

Genre:  Satiric sci-fi noir mystery

Suggested age:  Adult

What is the book about?: The Internet dies. Nobody knows why. Everyone is affected, some to the point of crazy compu-zombie madness. Behaviors and content easily at home on the open web are recreated in real life by those who can’t stand to do without it. Others, including Gladstone (the whiskey-drinking, fedora-wearing main character with issues of his own), Tobey (a schmoozy, once-online friend now his in-person best buddy), and Oz (a new friend from the land down under who had made her living on the Internet) take on an Internet-less New York City to solve the mystery of why the web died and who exactly killed it. Oh, and there’s a “gay, prog rock-loving, psychic, former librarian.”

My review: I was initially drawn to this book, as it’s fairly short. I was looking for a quick, light read, and the wifi-headed floating man on the cover caught my eye from our selection of new releases. I don’t usually read a lot of fiction, but I do enjoy alternative histories and creative looks at the future. I’m also a little sarcastic (sometimes), so the fact that it was authored by a writer for Cracked and McSweeney’s gave me hope that it wouldn’t be lofty, over descriptive fiction that uses 100 words where 10 would suffice. I was surprised, however, as to how fast I was drawn into this fast-paced mystery set in what I would call “a grown up, realistic dystopia.” I use the Internet a fair deal in both my professional and personal lives and consider myself fairly knowledgeable about the trends and fads of the web. Gladstone was good at explaining some of the communities behind their existence, the intent they have, and what happens when their toys are taken away. Overall, it was an eye-opening look at the “what if” of life (of others and of my own) without the Internet. This book, although fiction, makes me think saying life “after” the Internet would just revert to being like life “before” the Internet is more than an understatement. It’s just plain wrong.

Heads up. It does contain some strong language and explicit sexual content. (It’s a book exploring the effects of the ‘net, after all.)

Rating:  4/5

Find it at the library!

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