Hi, everyone! My name is Miss Haley, and I’m so happy you’re joining me for story time today. This story time is a little bit different than normal because it will be a bilingual story time. Bilingual means more than one language, so today I’ll be reading and singing in both English and Spanish. I’m still learning Spanish myself, so whether you’re learning Spanish like me or learning English, let’s remember that making mistakes is okay and we should be proud of ourselves for doing our best. Today, we’ll be reading books all about bedtime. Our first book today is a silly one about a little llama who can’t get to sleep, and our second book is about a little rabbit who has a long list of things to say goodnight to before he’s ready to go to bed.

Now before we get started, let’s get ready for story time by singing a new good morning song. This song is called “Buenos dias (Good Morning)” and is sung to the tune of “Frère Jacques” or “Are You Sleeping, Brother John?” There are some hand movements that go with this song, and I’d love if you’d do them along with me. Are you ready? Let’s try it.

Song: “Buenos dias (Good Morning)”

Spanish Lyrics:

Buenos dias

Buenos dias

Como estas?

Como estas?

Muy bien, gracias

Muy bien, gracias

Y usted?


English Lyrics:

(To the tune of Frère Jacques or Are You Sleeping)

Good morning

Good morning

How are you?

How are you?

Very well, thank you

Very well thank you

And you?

And you?

Credit: Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel

Book: Goodnight, Moon (Buenos noches, Luna)

Written by Margaret Wise Brown, illustrated by Clement Hurd, translated into Spanish by Teresa Mlawer, and published  by Harper Collins Publishers. Thanks to Harper Collins for giving us permission to read this book!


Flannel Board: Five Little Hedgehogs Jumping on the Bed / Cinco erizos saltando en la cama

English Rhyme:

Five little hedgehogs jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped its head.

Mama call the doctor and the doctor said,

“No more hedgehogs jumping on the bed!”

Four little hedgehogs jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped its head.

Mama call the doctor and the doctor said,

“No more hedgehogs jumping on the bed!”

Three little hedgehogs jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped its head.

Mama call the doctor and the doctor said,

“No more hedgehogs jumping on the bed!”

Two little hedgehogs jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped its head.

Mama call the doctor and the doctor said,

“No more hedgehogs jumping on the bed!”

One little hedgehogs jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped its head.

Mama call the doctor and the doctor said,

“Put those hedgehogs back to bed!”

Credit: AllNurseryRhymes.com


Spanish Rhyme:

Cinco erizos saltando en la cama.

Uno se cayó y se golpeó la cabeza.

La mamá llamó al doctor y el doctor le dijo,

“No más erizos saltando en la cama.”

Cuatro erizos saltando en la cama.

Uno se cayó y se golpeó la cabeza.

La mamá llamó al doctor y el doctor le dijo,

“No más erizos saltando en la cama.”

Tres erizos saltando en la cama.

Uno se cayó y se golpeó la cabeza.

La mamá llamó al doctor y el doctor le dijo,

“No más erizos saltando en la cama.”

Dos erizos saltando en la cama.

Uno se cayó y se golpeó la cabeza.

La mamá llamó al doctor y el doctor le dijo,

“No más erizos saltando en la cama.”

Un erizo saltando en la cama.

Uno se cayó y se golpeó la cabeza.

La mamá llamó al doctor y el doctor le dijo,

“Pon esos erizos de nuevo a la cama!”

Credit: Spanish4Kiddos.com

Book: Llama Llama Red Pajama (La llama Llama rojo pijama)

Written and illustrated by Anna Dewdney, translated into Spanish by Yanitzia Canetti, and published by Viking of Penguin Random House. Thanks to Penguin Random House for giving us permission to read this book!


Take & Make Craft: Friendly Monster Under the Bed

Pick up a craft kit at the library, available in the Youth Services department or from the drive-up window while supplies last.

Supplies needed:

– One sock

– Scissors

– (Optional) Washable markers

Included in the kit from the library:

– A piece of white felt for the monster’s mouth

– Two googly eyes

– A large bunch of cotton fluff

– A rubber band

– Two small glue dots (for the mouth)

– Two large glue dots (one for each googly eye)



  1. Find an old sock that doesn’t have a mate or that you wouldn’t mind using for this craft. Try to find one with fun colors so your monster looks extra weird.
  2. If you use a white sock, you can color it first with washable markers, but make sure to let it fully dry before doing the rest of the craft. I used a white sock and markers to make a monster with purple, green, and blue spots all over.
  3. Stuff the cotton fluff into your sock and use the rubber band to close up the end of the sock. You can leave the sprout at the top or fold it down to look like a hat.
  4. Draw your monster’s mouth onto the piece of white felt with a pen or marker and cut it out with scissors.
  5. Use two small glue dots to stick your monster’s mouth to its face. Press really hard to make it stick! Tip: the glue dots don’t like to stick to surfaces with washable marker on them, so try to place them on clean areas of the sock.
  6. Place a large glue dot on each of the googly eyes and stick those to the monster’s face. Press really hard to make them stick!
  7. You’re all done! Now you have a friendly monster buddy who can live under your bed and help you have good dreams.


Announcements: I also wanted to let all the adults watching know that we’re going to start having these Spanish and English Bilingual Story Times once a month, and the next ones will be held on October 15th and November 5th.

We’re just about done with story time, so thank you all for joining me today. Let’s sing one more song together to say goodbye for now. This one is a call and response song, so when I point to you, you’ll repeat after me, okay? Here we go.

Song: Goodbye Song in English and Spanish

English Lyrics:


So long

To you

My friend

Stay well

And fine

Til we meet


Spanish Lyrics:



A ti

Mi amigo


Muy bien

Nos vemos

Otra vez

Credit: Burlington Specials

– Haley, Youth Services Assistant