Hi, everyone! My name is Miss Haley, and I’m so happy you’re joining me today for bilingual story time at Fondulac District Library. Bilingual is a word that means more than one language, so that means we’ll be singing songs and reading books in English and Spanish today. Are you ready? Let’s go! ¡Vamos!


Song: Good Morning / Buenos dias

(Tune: “Frère Jacques” or “Are You Sleeping?”)

English Lyrics:

Good morning

Good morning

How are you?

How are you?

Very well, thank you

Very well thank you

And you?

And you?

Spanish Lyrics:

Buenos dias

Buenos dias

¿Como estas?

¿Como estas?

Muy bien, gracias

Muy bien, gracias

¿Y usted?

¿Y usted?

Credit: Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel

Song: Open, Shut Them / Abre, cierra

English Lyrics:

Open, shut them

Open, shut them

Give a little clap, clap, clap

Open, shut them

Open, shut them

Put them in your lap, lap, lap

Creep them, crawl them,

creep them, crawl them

right up to your chin, chin, chin

Open wide your little mouth, but…

Do not put them in!

Credit: Jbrary YouTube Channel


Spanish Lyrics:

Abre, cierra

Abre, cierra

Da una palmadita, -ta

Abre, cierra

Abre, cierra

Mantenlas juntitas, -tas

Sube, sube, sube, sube

Hasta la barbilla, -lla

Abre la boquita pero…

¡No metas los dedos!

Credit: NCO Bilingual Storytime


Fingerplay: Heart

 English Lyrics:

I put my hands together

This is how I start

I bring my fingers down like this

And now I have a heart

Credit: Miss Nina – Music and Movement for Preschoolers


Book: My Heart Fills With Happiness / Mi corazón se llena de alegría

Written by Monique Gray Smith, illustrated by Julie Flett, and read with the permission of Orca Book Publishers.


Song: Itsy Bitsy Spider / Itsy Bitsy araña

English Lyrics:

The itsy bitsy spider

Went up the water spout.

Down came the rain

And washed the spider out.

Out came the sun

And dried up all the rain

And the itsy bitsy spider

Went up the spout again.


Spanish Lyrics:

La arana pequeñita

Subió, subió, subió.

Vino la lluvia

Y se la llevó.

Salió el sol

Y todo lo secó

Y la araña pequeñita

Subió, subió, subió.

Credit: Spanish Playground


Song: Tall Trees / Arboles altos

English Lyrics:

Tall trees

Warm fire

Strong wind

Deep water

I feel it in my body

I feel it in my soul


Spanish Lyrics:

Arboles altos

Fuego tibio

Viento fuerte

Aguas profundas

Lo siento en mi cuerpo

Lo siento en mi cuerpo

Credit: Jbrary


Book: Listening with My Heart/ Escuchando con mi corazón

Written by Gabi Garcia, illustrated by Ying Hui Tan, and read with the permission of Skinned Knee Publishing.


Craft: Heart Noise-Maker 

Pick up a craft kit at the library while supplies last from the Youth Services Department or the drive-up window!

Included in supply kit:

  • Two paper plates
  • Bag of rice

Supplies needed at home:

  • Stapler or tape
  • Coloring utensils (crayons, markers, colored pencils)
  • Scrap paper


  1. Draw a heart on the back of each paper plate.
  2. Color in the heart and the rest of the plate however you like.
  3. On a small strip of scrap paper, write down something that makes your heart happy. Make as many of these as you would like.
  4. Place your pieces of paper on one of the plates on the side without the heart.
  5. Pour rice over the pieces of paper.
  6. Staple or tape the two plates together so that the hearts show on both sides. If you use staples, make sure to place them close enough together that rice won’t fall out of your noise maker when you shake it.
  7. Whenever you’re sad or need a friend, shake your heart noisemaker to remind yourself of all the things that make your heart happy. You can be a friend to yourself by remembering to speak kindly about yourself and do things that make your heart smile!


Mango Languages App:

Did you know that we have an app available on the Fondulac Library website that can help you and your child learn a new language? It’s called Mango, and you can sign up for free using your library card number. Check it out by clicking here!


Song: The Goodbye Song

English Lyrics:


So long

To you

My friend

Stay well

And fine

Til we meet


Spanish Lyrics:



A ti

Mi amigo


Muy bien

Nos vemos

Otra vez

Credit: Burlington Specials

– Miss Haley, Youth Services Assistant