Bridge to Careers Partnership with ICC

Fondulac District Library is excited to partner with Illinois Central College to host the Bridge to Careers program starting in January 2022 to provide adults with high school equivalency preparation and GED testing, as well as career education and workforce preparation.

Bridge to Careers at FDL will provide participants with free GED materials, guided preparation, and testing for eligible students. Led by ICC instructors, the program will also provide one-on-one transition services training to build crucial skills to become job-ready. Library staff will assist participants with job searching, resume writing, online applications, and career resources to further develop their workforce readiness.

“Partnering with the ICC Adult Education Program allows the library to connect participants to services that can help change their employment prospects,” said Genna Buhr, director of Fondulac District Library. “Bridge to Careers at FDL gives area residents an opportunity to position themselves to develop their long-term earning potential and pursue wider options in the future.”

Phone-in registration begins January 4, 2022, at 9 a.m., with classes starting January 19.. Classes will be held at the library, meeting in the evenings for 3-hour sessions twice a week through May. Interested individuals should call (309) 694-5240 to register or for more information.

Funding for this grant was awarded by the Illinois State Library, a Department of the Office of the Secretary of State, using funds provided by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, under the provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA).

2021-11-29T15:59:13-06:00November 29th, 2021|

International Games Week

Join FDL in celebrating International Games Week November 7-13! You know we love games at FDL… because games of all types hold educational, recreational, and social value, and playing games is a great way to connect with family, friends, and your community. While we can’t host our annual full-day event due to the pandemic, we’ve got a few fun events throughout the week this year. Show your Super Smash Bros. skills in our tournament on 11/9, or make a Jenga Block Keychain on 11/12. We’ll also have printable games for adults and children to take home throughout the week. Plus, you can win our Golden Ticket Game Giveaway by checking out a game from our collection of more than 200 games – find the Golden Ticket and win your own copy of the game, courtesy of our friends at Cabbages and Kings Games! Game on!

2021-11-08T16:29:18-06:00November 8th, 2021|

Join the Friends of Fondulac District Library!

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” – Ralph Waldo Emmerson

Become a member of the Friends of FDL to support the library and give back to the community! The Friends group supports the mission of the library through advocacy, donations, and volunteerism – and their support is essential to FDL! These dedicated volunteers maintain the ongoing book sale, help promote the library throughout the community, support our collection and facilities, and sponsor and assist with important programs like Summer Reading. Members pay annual dues of only $5 and meet quarterly. There are several opportunities to volunteer throughout the year, because the Friends:

  • Facilitate the annual BIG Book Sale
  • Collect paperback books to send to the troops
  • Celebrate with awesome holiday basket giveaways for patrons
  • Assist with fun events like Star Wars Day, Big Rig Petting Zoo, & FOLEPI’s Enchanted Forest
  • Host the annual Holiday Craft & Bake Sale (with amazing homemade treats and gifts)
  • Plus much more!

And if volunteering is not your thing, donations are always appreciated to support their endeavors and the library. Learn more at and stay tuned for more ways to support the Friends during National Friends of Libraries Week later this month!

2021-10-14T16:58:30-05:00October 7th, 2021|

Big Rig Petting Zoo Postponed!

Unfortunately, we’re postponing the Big Rig Petting Zoo until next year due to ongoing and increasing COVID-19 concerns.
We’re still working to bring you some truck fun this fall, though! Miss Sharon and Miss Kris are teaming up with East Side Community Media (Channel 22) to bring you a video tour of your favorite community vehicles, as well as other independent and take-home activities. Stay tuned for more info!
2021-09-17T10:36:48-05:00September 17th, 2021|

IDPH Vaccine Clinic

Do your part to protect yourself and your community and get your COVID-19 vaccine!
The State of Illinois is partnering with the library to off a free COVID-19 vaccine clinic on Wednesday, July 21, 2021, from 4-7 p.m.
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is authorized and recommended for individuals aged 12+.
Walk-ins will be accepted but APPOINTMENTS ARE ENCOURAGED to reduce wait times.
The clinic for the 2nd dose will be held at FDL on August 11, 2021.
Can’t make this event? Find a clinic near you by visiting
Hotline: 1-833-621-1284
Questions about COVID‐19? Call 1‐800‐889‐3931 or email
2021-07-15T12:12:59-05:00July 15th, 2021|

2021 Summer Reading Program: Reading Colors Your World!

Join us for the library’s 2021 Summer Reading Program – Reading Colors Your World! – June 1 to July 31.

We encourage readers of all ages to explore humanity, nature, culture, and science. Be creative, try new things, explore art, and find beauty in diversity. Expand your world this summer and READ!

Kids, teens, and adults can earn badges for reading materials from FDL and for attending library events — and earn prizes! Fun online and outdoor programs are scheduled throughout the summer for all ages, including outdoor Family Movie Nights, weekly online story times, and programs for exploring creativity, diversity, nature, science, and more! Aside from all the fun, summer reading is especially important for students to prevent the “summer slide” so they don’t fall behind when they return to school in August. Readers can register and track their progress online at or on-the-go with the Beanstack app! Follow FDL on Facebook and Instagram for more updates and summer surprises!

Sign Up

Check Out

  • Borrow books, audiobooks, and magazines from Fondulac District Library, or download or stream eBooks and audiobooks from Axis 360, hoopla, Overdrive, and Tumblebooks. Search the online catalog and our digital collections at
  • Whether it’s reading a graphic novel, listening to an audiobook, or reading an article, it counts! Materials must be borrowed and read within the program dates.

Earn Badges

  • Record your minutes in Beanstack or on your reading log.
  • Earn one badge for every 50 minutes (PreK – 2nd graders), 100 minutes (3rd – 8th graders), or 150 minutes (high schoolers and adults) of reading.
  • Earn one badge for attending any three Fondulac District Library programs. Register online for programs at
  • Earn 10 badges to complete the program.
  • Kids can collect their badges from the Youth Services desk.

Win Prizes

  • Participants receive prizes for earning 5 badges AND for completing the program by earning 10 badges.
  • If using a reading log, participants must present it to a librarian to redeem badges.
  • Participants who complete the program will also be entered into a prize drawing!
  • Prizes are available while supplies last. The last day to pick up prizes is August 14.

SRP 2021 Brochure and Reading Log

2021-08-03T15:33:33-05:00May 17th, 2021|

Star Wars Writing Contest Winners

Thank you to those who entered our first ever Star Wars Writing contest during Star Wars Week!

Congratulations to Owen F. for winning the teen category!

Prompt: You were chosen to write an episode of The Mandalorian. Write a little about what the plot would be.

Episode: A World of Beskar Part 1

In the seemingly still quietness of space, there was a star system of what looks roughly like 6 or 7 planets. There was an asteroid belt around the outer edge. Suddenly, a star ship appeared out of nowhere along with two smaller ships, these ships seem to be fighting.

“I can’t shake them off,” said the Madalorian.

The bigger ship tried to knock the smaller ones in the asteroid field. Even though the asteroids got close to the ships, they still managed to evade the asteroids.

“The space is too crowded, I have to go up,” he said.

The pilots saw this coming and shot at the left thruster, thankfully the shot missed and they resumed to target the back of the ship. The bigger ship dodged and ducked, but when he tried to fire back, they moved accordingly. Out of nowhere, the Slave 1 appeared and shot the two smaller ships to an oblivion.

“You’re lucky that I arrived just in time, those pilots would have blown you to ashes,” said Boba Fett. ” There aren’t many pilots that are capable of that much skill.”

“I know, that’s what scares me.”

The two ships flew to the planet Gondoria. As they looked around the place that they landed, they noticed one thing, the blue liquid that they thought was water wasn’t water, but pure, hot molten metal. This surprised them as the appearance of lava was normally red or orange, but not blue.

“How in the world is this place hot enough for lava to turn blue?” asked Boba Fett.

“I don’t know, but I feel that we should get to what we came for” said the Mandalorian.

Far away, planets away, there was a squad of troops negotiating with a dealer on selling beskar, an almost indestructible metal.

“What do you mean there isn’t enough beskar to satisfy my bargain, it is perfectly reasonable to ask for that amount!”

He slammed his fist on the table that made a large dent in the polished surface, this fist belonged to the smallest of the bunch, yet he had the voice and anger of a dark leader, a tyrant.

“I’m sorry to tell you but beskar doesn’t appear out of thin air, it takes months, if not years to make, and a bunch of buyers have been coming in and out and have been draining our supply.” This seller’s voice was calm, and cool, without the slightest trace of anger behind it. The calm, soothing attitude only made the leader more furious with this matter.

“Is there at least a way to make it,” he said in a stern, cold voice, the effort of fighting his anger showed through him like synthetic glass, the anger and rage was astounding for how hard he tried to control himself.

“No, there’s not, I’m afraid-,” but this sentence was interrupted due to the fact that he was pulled right from the seat of his desk, as if the gravity from the masked leaders hand had intensified one million times more than normal, the room around him stared at him, with terror plastered on all of their faces, except for the squad, even if they had no masks covering their faces.

“There is a planet that is almost right next to us, there is some beskar there and you can satisfy your deal and far beyond that, more than you will ever need.”  The person’s voice was filled with fear but it gave the leader what he wanted.

“Now, unhand me, you got what you wanted did you not?” His voice was filled with the slightest bit of hope, but his hope vanished immediately after he said this.

“Release you?” The voice of tyranny became a voice of mockery, he laughed.

“You’re going to go walking back, after what you said to me, no, you’re no use, and I don’t want you to be giving this information to anyone else.” The seller’s face became fearful once again.

“That is a two in one for me, good bye, glad that we could come up with an agreement that satisfies both our needs.” With this, he snapped the seller’s neck in half and threw his body across the room, his body landed with a crash and broke about one hundred desks in a row.

To be continued…

Congratulations to Rachael Steinbron for winning the adult category!

Prompt: If you had to live on one of the Star Wars locations, what one would you choose? Why?

Alderaan: A Rebel’s Top Pick

Given all the worlds and scenes of the Star Wars saga, any true supporter of the rebels with a love for history would choose to live on Alderaan. Before The Disaster, the planet was a beautiful, earth-like place with a population of caring, intelligent people who valued education, democracy, and pacifism. It would have been a much more comfortable place than any sand or ice world. The architecture was also breathtaking, designed to showcase the beauty of the natural environment. Some may argue that a forest home like Endor would be equally as pleasant, but on Alderaan you would not only find fewer furry creatures with lice, but also more sophisticated technology and comforts, along with access to some of the Resistances most famous history and heroes.

The historic and cultural impact Alderaan had on the Rebellion is unmatched. General Leia Organa’s own mother once ruled as Queen but was also accessible as the minister of education, who taught about the culture and history of the world. Sitting in on one of her classes would be any Rebel’s dream! One of the founding members of the Galactic Republic, Alderaan was not only home to the Organa family, it also played a huge part in starting the Clone Wars, providing mutations to the Rebellion, and ultimately defeating the Empire.

Sure, the breathtaking planet was ultimately destroyed, but the knowledge the surviving Alderaanians possess is priceless. Not only would you be able to share the cultural and historic facts from your world to ensure the planet’s legacy, but bringing any date to the resulting asteroid field and sharing your story would ensure you would never have to drink your Juma Juice alone, if you know what I mean.

2021-08-03T10:26:54-05:00April 16th, 2021|

Kylo STILL in Quarantine…

Happy Star Wars Week!

Poor Kylo is STILL in quarantine, but we have lots of fun, COVID-safe activities planned for you this week! Register for our virtual programs here, stop by the library for activities, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok for more fun surprises! May the Force be with you!

2021-04-01T11:45:39-05:00April 4th, 2021|

Librarian Eats a Cricket Cookie – Let’s Talk Entomophagy!

Ever thought about eating bugs? Join your fellow community members as we discuss entomophagy (the practice of eating bugs) and The Gateway Bug, a documentary about feeding humanity in uncertain times. Watch the documentary ahead of time through our hoopla app (available to FDL patrons only; see your home library for assistance with hoopla and to check availability). Documentary includes some language.

Email for a Zoom invitation to the discussion at 2 p.m. on March 23. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion, especially if you have experience with entomophagy or have read any of the books available in our catalog on the subject, such as:

Edible by Daniella Martin

Eat Grub by Shami Radia & Neil Whippey

Eat-A-Bug Cookbook by David George Gordon 

This is part of the Resilient Community series of programs in partnership with the East Peoria Green Team. Keep an eye out for more in the future!

– Jessica, Reference Specialist

2021-02-17T14:20:18-06:00February 17th, 2021|

100 Club Reading Challenge

Join FDL’s new 100 Club Reading Challenge! 100 Club is a fun way for kids to build their reading habits year-round while earning prizes! Kids in kindergarten through 8th grade can join the club and track their progress on Beanstack. There’s no time limit for completing the challenge, but the goal is to read 100 books before high school! The structure is simple: read 10 books to complete a badge and earn a prize! Each month, a prize winner will be drawn from active readers, and readers who finish all 10 badges will earn a 100 Club completion prize and get to pick a free book to keep.

Learn more about 100 Club at or ask a librarian for help and get your young readers involved in this awesome new reading challenge!

2023-12-22T16:14:17-06:00October 22nd, 2020|
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