FDL Reads: The Cardboard Kingdom

The Cardboard Kingdom by Chad Sell

Reviewed By: Alice Mitchell, Youth Services Manager

Genre: Realistic fiction/fantasy (graphic novel)

Suggested Age:  Kids (7-12)

What is This Book About?  What kid doesn’t play make believe? These neighbors take their adventures to a whole new level! Every kid on the block works hard to make their own, unique character and creates a costume to join in the fun. Jack embraces his wicked side as the Evil Sorceress, kid finds her voice as the Banshee, Seth protects his mom as the Gargoyle, and many more! Each chapter, more and more kids join in, challenged by bullies, big brothers, and dragons alike.

My Review:  I fell in love with this book from the first chapter. Every kid has their own chapter for us to get introduced and uses their imagination to come up with fun characters and stories. Their adventures are tons of fun and are only dampened by the onset of the school year. While there are a lot of laughs, there are plenty of serious topics covered as well. Self-confidence and expressing yourself emerge in multiple stories, but there’s also questions of identity, divorce, and absent parents.

Three Words that Describe this Book: kids being kids

Give This A Try if You Like…  The Witches of Brooklyn by Sophie Escabasse, The Girl from the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag, Stepping Stones by Lucy Knisley

Rating: 5/5

Find it at the library!


FDL Reads

2023-08-31T16:20:28-05:00August 31st, 2023|

Story Time in a Box for Back-to-School

Back to school time can mean new routines for the whole family.  Sometimes we need help with those routines and that is where a Storytime in a Box kit can help!  All of these kits include a few stories related to the theme, a flannel board, and fun games and activities!

Getting Dressed – Work on those self-dressing skills with shoe-tying practice, a sock matching game, and button/snap/zip toy.  This kit also includes the super-fun Best Dressed Banana game!

Going to School – This kit helps separation anxiety about going back to school as well as establishing that morning routine.

ABCs – Lots of fun with letter games, puzzles and stories.

If going back to school means that you can not make it to our regular storytimes – there are many other topics that you can check out to make your own story times at home!  Click here to view all of our Story Time in a Box Kits!

– Post by Julie Fonseca, Youth Services Assistant

2023-08-18T17:22:55-05:00August 18th, 2023|

Find Your Voice Writing Contest for Kids– Winners!

We’re excited to announce the winners of our Find Your Voice Writing Contest for kids!

A big congratulations to our winners! We had so many fantastic entries for this summer’s writing contest. It was hard to choose. Thank you to all of the talented authors who participated!

Ages 5-7

1st place: Kinley Smith

2nd place: Avery Clarkson

3rd place: Elena Lynn

Ages 8-10

1st place: Cali Rumpel

2nd place: Valerie Lynn

3rd place: Piper Cole

Ages 11-14

1st place: Harlow Sharum

2nd place: Clay Jordan

3rd place: Isabel Bone

Follow the links below to read our winning stories. There’s still time for teens and adults to participate in their writing contest!

The Summer Picnic by Kinley Smith

Daisy’s Lesson by Avery Clarkson

Untitled by Cali Rumpel

Even Circuses Are Hard Work by Valerie Lynn

Where Has Summer Gone by Piper Cole

Harley and the Midnight Dream by Harlow Sharum

Max’s Summer by Clay Jordan

Untitled by Isabel Bone

2023-08-01T09:49:36-05:00August 1st, 2023|

Children’s Books about Bike Riding

Summer Fun?!?

I’m bored! It’s too hot! It’s raining! Outdoor summer fun not an option? Are you looking for a way to fill your day when you can’t get outside? How about reading a book about the most fun summer activity? Bike Riding!!!

Learning how to ride a bike?

A Big Boy Now

Duck on a Bike

Froggy Rides a Bike

Syd Hoff’s Danny and the Dinosaur Ride a Bike

Together We Ride


Curious George Rides a Bike

Bailey’s Bike

Let’s Go, Bike!

Getting a new bike?

Karen’s New Bike

Henry and Beezus

Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse

New Red Bike!

Marvin Redpost

The Red Bicycle


The Case of the Missing Bicycles

The Mystery of the Stolen Bike


Dirt Bike History

BMX Racers

BMX Design and Equipment

BMX Greats

Daring BMXers

-Post by Kris Tyler, Youth Services Specialist

2023-07-19T09:56:30-05:00July 19th, 2023|

FDL Reads: Part of Your Nightmare

Part of Your Nightmare (Disney Chills, Book 1) by Vera Strange Review: 'Disney Chills: Part of Your Nightmare' Will Give You Goosebumps - Nerds and Beyond

Reviewed by:  Chelsea Bunton, Youth Services Assistant

Genre: Fantasy, Horror

Suggested Age: Late elementary/Middle School (Grades 3-6)

What is the book about?  Shelly has recently started attending a new middle school. At first, she has a hard time making friends, but eventually finds a place with some of the most popular girls on her swim team. Shelly’s family owns an aquarium and she loves all things marine and ocean- but unfortunately, her new friends do not. On a field trip to the aquarium, the popular girls peer pressure her into an act she would normally never commit (littering in the ocean?!?), which sets Shelly on a distressing journey involving sea witches, wishes, and scales. Things start to get spooky in Triton Bay as Shelly battles with the weirdness happening to her- is it all real, or just a nightmare? She will have to decide if having popularity is worth losing her humanity and dragging down others with her. Be careful what you wish for because you could end up a poor unfortunate soul!

My Review:  I’m a lover of all things Disney, so I was very excited to start this series! This book was an easy read, and had fun connections to the original movie. The “creep” factor wasn’t too scary and the darkness involved was a slow burn that assisted the pace of the story. The characters were very true to their age group- from their motivations to their speech. The setting was a great connection to the original film as well as it allowed for plenty of interaction with marine life and the villain herself. I think what I found most interesting in this book was the ending. With a young, middle grade novel I usually expect a straight-forward finale, but that was not to be found here! The reader will have to draw their own conclusions about Shelly’s fate. Each book in this series follows a different main character and original Disney villain, so I think we can expect more of the same when it comes to uncertain destinies.

Three Words That Describe This Book:  Fishy, cautionary, ominous

Give This a Try if You Like…Disney movies, Goosebumps books/movies, The Witches by Roald Dahl

Rating: 3/5

Find it at the library!

FDL Reads

2023-07-13T15:46:27-05:00July 12th, 2023|

Tree Planting: 2023 Community Project

tulip tree We need your help for this summer’s community project! The Fon du Lac Park District will match the library’s $500 pledge to go towards planting beautiful tulip poplar trees at Neumann Park for everyone to enjoy – but only if all of our summer readers help us hit our goal of 500,000 minutes!

That’s a lot of reading, but we’re positive that our voracious readers will be up to the task. Tulip poplars are the official tree of East Peoria and are actually closely related to the magnolia tree, but are called tulip trees because of their greenish yellow and orange flowers. So register for summer reading and track your reading June 1 – July 31 to help us plant new trees in the community! Plus, everyone who completes the summer reading program will be able to add a leaf to the tree bulletin board in the Youth Services department!

2023-06-27T11:57:03-05:00June 27th, 2023|

Summer Books for Kids

Summer is a time for kids! Summertime means family, friends, fun and a much-needed break from school work!  What is your favorite summer activity? Baseball? Camping? Swimming? Fondulac has a book for you!

The Depth of the Lake and the Height of the Sky- Kim, Jihyun JP

Sunrise Summer – Swanson JP also available as an eBook

Vampire Vacation – LaVoie JP

 A Cool Day at the Pool – Schaefer EZ Reader

Get a Hit, Mo! – Adler EZ Reader

Pete the Cat’s Family Road Trip – Dean EZ Reader also available as an eBook

 The Best Friend Plan – Calmenson EZ Chapter

Mia Mayhem Rides the Waves – West EZ Chapter also available as an eBook

 Jacky Ha-Ha Gets the Last Laugh – Peterson JF Series

Three Strikes Summer -Schrempp JF also available as an eBook

 Punk Rock Unicorn – Simpson J GN also available as an eBook

Shark & Bot Sleepaway Champs – Yanish J GN


You can search our online catalog and our digital collections for more!

-Post by Sharon Crawford, Youth Services Specialist

2023-06-21T14:52:03-05:00June 21st, 2023|

Summer Writing Contests at the Library

The library is hosting writing contests this summer to go along with our summer reading theme “Find Your Voice.”  Read over the guidelines and submit starting June 1st.


Age Groups:

 5-7 (250 Words)

 8-10 (500 Words)

11-14 (1000 Words)

Keep your creative juices flowing this summer by participating in our writing contest! The writing theme is “summer” and contest entries can embody this theme in any way the author chooses. Entries must be submitted via email to alice@fondulaclibrary.org. Winners will be chosen in each age group.  Please make sure submissions meet the requirements for that age range.  The deadline is 7-21-23.

Prizes will be awarded in each age group.

Submission Guidelines:

  • In the email, please use “Find Your Voice Writing Contest” in the subject line.
  • Attach submission as a document
  • Include name, age, and phone number of participant
  • Include a note indicating permission (or not) to share your writing.
  • Only original writings will be accepted.
  • Make sure to include the theme of “summer” in some way in your writing.
  • Write “The End” at the completion of your entry.
  • One entry per person.

Teens and Adults

Enter the library’s Flash Fiction Writing Contest for adults and teens! Our wonderful panel of judges will select two winning adult authors and two winning teen authors. All manuscripts must be 1000 words (or less) and a work of original fiction that uses the theme of “Find Your Voice,” which can be interpreted in any way the author chooses. All entries must be submitted to Jeremy at jeremy@fondulaclibrary.org by August 24, 2023. See below for specific guidelines.

Prizes (for each age category):

First Place: $50 Gift Card & Swag Bag
Second Place: Swag Bag

The four winning entrants will have their stories published on the library’s website and/or social media.

Submission Guidelines:

  • In the email, please write in the subject area: “FIND YOUR VOICE WRITING CONTEST.”
  • Attach your manuscript to the email in a .doc or .docx file.
  • Manuscript should be typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins and in 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
  • Include your name and phone number in the message section, indicate teen or adult, and if you give permission to post your short story with your name (or if you want to be anonymous) if you win.
  • Only original materials may be entered.
  • Entries must be in good taste and refrain from profanity.
  • On the last page of your story, below the ending write: “THE END”
  • Limited to one entry per person.
  • Winners must be able to pick up prizes at Fondulac District Library.
  • Submission deadline is August 24, 2023.

2023-06-02T11:32:56-05:00June 1st, 2023|

Find Your Voice! Summer Reading 2023

Our voices have power! This summer, we encourage readers of all ages to share stories, express yourselves, spark change, and get creative with FDL for the library’s 2023 Summer Reading Program: Find Your Voice! Join us June 1 through July 31 for a fantastic summer reading program offering fun and prizes for readers of all ages! Readers can register and track their progress online at fondulaclibrary.beanstack.org or on-the-go with the Beanstack app, or pick up a reading log from the library.

Engaging programs are planned throughout the summer focusing on a variety of creative activities, such as writing contests, a photography contest, comic book workshops, art projects, a musical instrument petting zoo, and more! We’ll also have family favorites like story times, movie nights, and crafts, as well as a lineup of exciting presenters to share magic, music, wildlife, science, and more! Find programs and register to attend through our online calendar.

Start Reading!
• Borrow books, audiobooks, and magazines from Fondulac District Library or download or stream eBooks and audiobooks from our digital collections.
• Whether it’s reading a graphic novel, listening to an audiobook, or reading an article, it counts! All reading must occur within the program dates.

Earn Badges
• Record your minutes in Beanstack.
• Earn 1 badge for every 50 minutes (PreK-2nd graders), 100 minutes (3rd-8th graders), or 150 minutes (high schoolers and adults).
• Earn one badge for completing an activity or attending any three Fondulac District Library programs.
• Earn 10 badges to complete the program. Kids can pick up badges at the Youth Services desk, and teens can pick up badges from the 2nd floor Information desk).

Win Prizes
• Participants receive prizes for reaching the halfway point by earning 5 badges AND for completing the program by earning 10 badges.
• Participants who complete the program will also be entered into a prize drawing!
• Halfway prizes can be picked up starting June 12, and completion prizes can be picked up starting June 26. Prizes are available while supplies last.
• The last day to pick up prizes is August 13.

Our 2023 Summer Reading programs and prizes are made possible thanks to our amazing community sponsors!

list of summer reading sponsors

2023-07-31T16:03:02-05:00May 15th, 2023|

FDL Reads: The Door of No Return


The Door of No Return by Kwame Alexander The Door of No Return: Alexander, Kwame: 9780316441865: Amazon.com: Books

Reviewed by: Chelsea Bunton, Youth Services Assistant

Genre: Historical Fiction

Suggested Age: Middle School (6th-8th grade)

What is this book about? Kofi is a young boy living in the Asante kingdom of Africa around the year 1860. The story follows his daily life, learning the “Queen’s” English at school, swimming with his friends, and getting embarrassed in front of his crush, Ama. As with his other middle grade novels, Alexander uses verse-poetry to tell the story, interspersed with free-written chapter beginnings to set the tone of each section. The author states that he wanted to tell an African history story that started from the beginning, not the “middle,” which he considers to be slavery. The book accomplishes that as we follow a young boy living a rich culture before ultimately being captured. Kofi’s story is one of vibrant lifestyle, heartbreak, and the harrowing journey of a young boy who feels very real and easy to connect with.

My Review: “…until the lions tell their side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always celebrate the hunter…”

This book was a very compelling tale of the life lived BEFORE slavery. I agree with the author, that too often historical accounts focus on slavery when there is so much rich history that happened before. Especially in this case, where we get to see an individual’s life before captivity- it is humanizing, heartbreaking, and engrossing. I actually wasn’t sure if this was a story leading to slavery throughout much of the book- and I think that was the correct assumption as it is simply a vignette into a culture and a story of a boy coming of age. I enjoyed the writing style as well- books written in verse are a nice break from prose every once in a while. It is nice to move through the pages quickly, while still feeling like you are absorbing and perceiving the right things. This was a quick read that feels essential to a comprehensive understanding of lives lived before enslavement.

Three Words That Describe This Book: Poignant, Authentic, Passionate

Give This a Try if You LikeStamped (For Kids): Racism, Antiracism, and You by: Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi, Books written in verse (like The Crossover or The One and Only Ivan), Stella by Starlight by: Sharon M. Draper, It’s Trevor Noah: Born a Crime by: Trevor Noah

Rating: 5/5

Find it at the library!

FDL Reads


2023-05-23T14:55:32-05:00April 27th, 2023|
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