Radiant Child: The Story of Young Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat

Written and illustrated Javaka Steptoe

This is a wonderful story about a real-life artist named Jean-Michel Basquiat and how his love of art grew from childhood. I enjoyed this book so much, especially the illustrations! Javaka Steptoe won a Caldecott award for his beautiful paintings on every page. Listen to him read his book here!

Steptoe imitated Basquiat’s art style throughout this story. You too can make art in the style of Basquiat! Basquiat liked to draw and paint crowns that symbolized power, strength, and respect. You can pick up a kit to make a crown of your own from the Youth Services department at the library!

The most touching part of Radiant Child for me is when Basquiat finds comfort after a scary car crash. He was probably very afraid to go to the doctor, like many of us are, and didn’t know what would happen. His grandma comforted him by giving him a medical book to study. He calmed himself down and grew braver by drawing bones, hearts, and brains over and over. We all get scared sometimes. Maybe, like Basquiat, reading and drawing can help calm you down when you are afraid. Check out our Story Time in a Box called “Going to the Doctor” for books and  activities that will help you learn about going to the doctor so you can be brave too next time.

Another book you might like is Crown: An Ode to the Fresh Cut by Derrick Barnes and Gordon C. James. Which artist do you think influenced the art in this book?

Check out Radiant Child, “Going to the Doctor,” and pick up a crown craft kit from the library today!

– Mikaela, Youth Services Assistant