Hi, everyone! My name is Miss Haley, and I’m so happy you’re joining me for our bilingual story time today. Bilingual means more than one language, so I’ll be reading and singing songs in both English and Spanish. Today’s bilingual story time is going to be all about playing in the snow. It might not be snowy where you are just yet, but we’re going to have lots of fun singing songs and reading books about building snowmen, making snow angels, sledding, and more. First, let’s get started with our welcome song. 

Song: Good Morning / Buenos dias

Tune: Frère Jacques or Are You Sleeping?

English Lyrics:

Good morning

Good morning

How are you?

How are you?

Very well, thank you

Very well thank you

And you?

And you?

Spanish Lyrics:

Buenos dias

Buenos dias

¿Como estas?

¿Como estas?


Muy bien, gracias

Muy bien, gracias

¿Y usted?

¿Y usted?


Credit: Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel

Great job with that song! Next, we’ll sing a song that will help us get our sillies out so we can focus on story time. Hold your hands out wide like this and follow along with me!

Song: Open, Shut Them / Abre, cierra

English Lyrics:

Open, shut them

Open, shut them

Give a little clap, clap, clap

Open, shut them

Open, shut them

Put them in your lap, lap, lap

Creep them, crawl them,

creep them, crawl them

right up to your chin, chin, chin

Open wide your little mouth, but…

Do not put them in!

Credit: Jbrary YouTube Channel


Spanish Lyrics:

Abre, cierra

Abre, cierra

Da una palmadita, -ta


Abre, cierra

Abre, cierra

Mantenlas juntitas, -tas


Sube, sube, sube, sube

Hasta la barbilla, -lla


Abre la boquita pero…

¡No metas los dedos!


Credit: NCO Bilingual Storytime


Book: The Snowy Day / Un dia de nieve

Written and illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats and read with the permission of Penguin Young Readers Group.


Literacy Tip:

Before we move on to our next activity, I wanted to share a quick early literacy tip with caregivers. There are six early literacy skills we want to help kids build between the ages of zero and five to get them ready to read and write. One of those is narrative skills, or the ability to tell a story and understand story structure. One way to help your child develop narrative skills is to read a book with them and then ask them to retell the story back to you, another family member, or even their favorite toy. They will get better and better at recalling and sharing details the more you do this with them. So maybe later today after you watch this story time, ask your child to tell you the story of The Snowy Day and ask them questions if they get stuck. You could ask, “What did the little boy do after he climbed all the way to the top of the snowy hill?”


Song: I’m a Little Snowman / Soy un muñeco de nieve

English Lyrics:

I’m a little snowman, look at me

These are my buttons, one, two, three

These are my eyes and this is my nose

I wear a hat and scarf

Brrr, it’s cold!

Spanish Lyrics:

Soy un muñeco de nieve, mírenme

Estos son mis botones, uno, dos, tres

Estos son mis ojos y esta es mi nariz

Uso sombrero y bufanda

¡Brrr, hace frío!

Credit: Super Simple Español – Canciones Infantiles Y Más


Book: Max and Sarah Build a Snowman / Max y Sarah hacen un muñeco de nieve

Written by Harriet Ziefert, illustrated by Ekaterina Trukhan, and read with the permission of Blue Apple Books.


Mango Languages App:

Did you know that we have an app available to FDL cardholders that can help you and your child learn a new language? It’s called Mango, and you can sign up for free using your library card number. I just started using it myself since I’m still learning Spanish, and I love that it lets you practice having conversations and gives you notes on the cultural and grammatical context for different words and phrases. You can even record your voice and compare it to native speakers. This could be a great tool for you to use at home to learn a new language together with your child. Check it out by clicking here!


Craft: Glitter Snow Angel (Ángel de nieve brillante)

Craft kits are available to pick up from the drive-up window or the atrium while supplies last.

Supplies needed at home:

  • Liquid glue
  • A tray or plastic grocery bag to catch glitter

Included in kit:

  • Blue cardstock paper
  • Foam snow angel
  • Bag of glitter snow
  • Two glitter glue pens


  1. Place your paper on a tray or a plastic grocery bag that’s been cut open to increase its size. This will be our workstation and will help catch the glitter for easier cleanup.
  2. Glue the foam snow angel to the middle of the blue cardstock paper. The paper orientation can be portrait or landscape.
  3. Next, use your liquid glue to “draw” wing shapes on each side of the snow angel and fill the wings in with glue.
  4. Use a spoon or your fingers to sprinkle snow glitter onto the wings and completely cover the glue.
  5. If you would like to add glitter snow anywhere else on the page, do so now. Then gently press the glitter into the glue with a spoon or your hands to help it stick.
  6. Carefully bring your paper over to a garbage can and gently shake your paper over the can to get rid of the excess glitter. Or you can do this over a paper towel or paper plate and reuse the glitter.
  7. Take your paper back to your work station and use the glitter glue pens to create any designs you want.
  8. Once you’re happy with your work of art, leave the paper on a flat surface overnight so the glitter glue can dry completely. You now have a sparkly snow angel!

More Spanish-English Books about Playing in Snow:

Bilingual Books:

We’re just about done, so thank you all for joining me today! I hope I’ll see you at our next bilingual story time on Thursday, February 4th, and you can join us again next week for another fun story time. Let’s sing one more song together to say goodbye for now. This one is a call and response song, so when I point to you, just repeat after me, okay? Here we go! ¡Ahí vamos!

Song: The Goodbye Song (Spanish and English)

 English Lyrics:


So long

To you

My friend

Stay well

And fine

Til we meet


Spanish Lyrics:



A ti

Mi amigo


Muy bien

Nos vemos

Otra vez

Credit: Burlington Specials

– Haley, Youth Services Assistant