Support FDL

Small heart being placed in a slot

Thank you for your interest in supporting Fondulac District Library. Contributions support our mission to provide the broad range of library services, materials, and programs necessary to meet the educational, informational, recreational, and cultural needs of our community.  There are many ways to invest in the library, and we gratefully welcome and deeply appreciate the gifts and donations we receive from members of the community.

Individuals, businesses, and organizations interested in helping Fondulac District Library to remain a valuable community resource and to grow its future may contact the library at any time for more information on how to support the library financially or with time and talents.

Monetary gifts are a great way to show your support of the library. Donations of funds are always welcome and may range from a simple cash gift to various forms of planned or deferred giving, such as endowments and bequests.  Gifts of all sizes are welcomed and acknowledged. Donations to the library are generally tax-deductible, to the extent allowed by law. To explore various planned giving options, please contact Genna Buhr, Library Director, at (309) 699-3917 or

The library has partnered with the Illinois E-Pay Program to provide you with a secure, convenient, and easy way to make a donation to the library. Please visit our Illinois E-Pay page to make a donation online.

Fondulac District Library always is honored to accept celebratory donations from family and friends of someone whose life has been especially enriched by the library’s services or staff.  We gratefully accept gifts given in celebration of special events, in gratitude of someone’s service, and in memory of a special honoree or a loved one. It is a privilege to receive the heartfelt appreciation of a library patron or their friends and family, as recognition that our services have enhanced the quality of a beloved community member’s life.  To explore various options, please contact Genna Buhr, Library Director, at (309) 699-3917 or

The library has partnered with the Illinois E-Pay Program to provide you with a secure, convenient, and easy way to make a donation to the library. Please visit our Illinois E-Pay page to make a donation online.

Donations of books and other materials broaden the library’s collections, enable it to meet the demand for multiple copies of heavily-used titles, and also may replace lost or damaged copies.

All donations must be in good condition and be free of dirt, pests, strong odors, and mold. Your donation may include:

  • Fiction and non-fiction books
  • Music CDs
  • Audiobooks on CD
  • DVD or Blu-ray videos and films

Space to accept and organize donations is limited, and the library limits donations to no more than two boxes per household per week.

The library does not accept donations that are wet, yellowed, or damaged and does not accept magazines, VHS or cassette tapes, textbooks , encyclopedias, or dictionaries.

Please give all donations directly to staff and indicate the items are for donation. Please do not put donations in the book drop or leave them outside the building.

Not all donated materials are added to the library collection. The library reserves the right to decide whether donated items should be added to the collection. Some donated items are given to the Friends of the Library group for sale to benefit the library’s services and programs. Some items are offered to other non-profit organizations. Items in poor condition are recycled. The library cannot return donated items if it is determined not to include them in the collection.

We love volunteers! Fondulac District Library welcomes volunteers in the library workplace.  The sense of ownership that volunteers have as a part of the library organization promotes advocacy for the library within the community.  Using volunteers extends the resources of the library.  Not only do volunteers perform tasks that might otherwise not get done, they provide valuable input to library staff about the community.

Be Our Friend!

For those looking to be regular active volunteers, the Friends of Fondulac District Library support the mission of the library through advocacy, financial support, and volunteerism. The group also accepts and organizes donations of books and other media for its sales benefitting the library. The group manages and schedules its own volunteer base for its projects.

Library Volunteers

For those looking to volunteer directly for the library, most volunteer opportunities at the library involve helping with occasional large library events and special projects, as needed.

Interested in becoming a library volunteer? It’s as easy as 1-2-3!
1. Read more about the library’s volunteer policy, including qualifications.
2. Complete a Volunteer Application and submit it to the library.
3. Library staff will contact applicants by phone and/or email when their volunteer services are requested by the library.

The minimum age to be a library volunteer is 14 years old.

Volunteer opportunities for community service requirements are limited to students enrolled in educational programs. The library does not offer volunteer opportunities for individuals completing community service mandated by the court system.

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