Fine Arts at FDL expands the library’s mission by stimulating imagination and fostering lifelong learning. Curated by the library’s Art Advisory Committee, the program strives to give local artists the opportunity to present new work in a public setting and encourages all artists in East Peoria and surrounding communities to submit an application for consideration.
The installation of art at Fondulac District Library’s facility at 400 Richland Street began with a generous donation from the Ray and Peg Bahnfleth estate. Several pieces were commissioned or purchased for the library’s collection, and funds were used for the installation on a Walker display system for exhibiting engaging works by local artists.
Fine Arts at FDL is curated by the Art Advisory Committee: Adult Services Manager Laura Warren, Communications Specialist Julie Nutt, and Library Director Genna Buhr. The program is guided by the policy adopted and approved by the library’s Board of Directors.
Exhibition Space
The library currently has two areas for temporary exhibitions of art. Two 12-foot perpendicular wall sections with Walker display system railing are located adjacent to a second floor seating area and are available for displaying mounted, framed, and/or sturdy hanging art. Near its entrance, the library also has a tall glass-front display case with adjustable glass shelving for small or medium-sized three-dimensional art pieces. The case consists of four sections, each with adjustable shelves. The top two sections are each 48 inches tall and have lighting. The bottom two sections are 27 inches tall. All sections are 20 inches wide and 16 inches deep.
All exhibit areas are within the library and are publicly viewable during regular library hours.
Call for Artists
The Arts Advisory Committee invites artists from East Peoria and surrounding communities to submit an application for consideration. Applications are welcome anytime and are reviewed on a revolving basis by the Committee under the guidance of library policy. To be considered, please review the Art in the Library Policy and complete the online application.