Voter Registration

Did you know that you can register to vote at the library? It only takes a few minutes, and all you need are two forms of identification. At least one form must include a current residence in Illinois (i.e. driver’s license, utility bill, a postmarked piece of mail, etc.). Ask about voter registration at the Circulation Desk, and a staff member will be glad to help you. The normal registration period ends 27 days prior to the election. Always check your status before registration deadlines and remember to update your registration if you’ve changed your name or moved to a new address. 

To vote in Illinois:

  • Must be a U.S. Citizen
  • Must have been a resident of the precinct at least 30 days prior to Election Day.
  • Must be 18 years old to vote in a Consolidated or General Election or 17 years of age to vote in a Consolidated Primary or General Primary if the individual will be 18 by the time of the Consolidated or General Election

Visit the Illinois State Board of Elections website for more information.

"I Voted" stickers for elections
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