Circulation and Fees Policy

Last Updated Date

A public library exists to serve the community and is based on the concept of sharing resources. When one person violates that principle by retaining materials beyond the established limits, that person takes unfair advantage of the community as a whole. Patrons are expected to follow lending loan periods and return materials on or before the due date. Fondulac District Library agrees with the American Library Association policy statement that the “imposition of monetary library fines creates a barrier to the provision of library and information services.”

  1. USE
    1. Library materials are available to use free of charge.
    2. Patrons are responsible for acceptable copyright use of all library materials. Under Federal Copyright Law 94-553 Section 110-1 audio-visual media is for private home use only.
    3. The library is not responsible for any damage to patrons’ property or equipment by the use of library materials.
    1. All library materials available for lending must be checked out with a valid library card from any RAILS library. Certain materials may have additional requirements for age or identification per additional specific policy related to those materials.
    2. All patrons will be required to present their own valid library card number in order to check out any library materials. In the event the patron does not have their valid library card, the staff will reserve the right to check the material out if the patron produces a valid photo ID issued by the government or a school and can confirm additional information about their account.
    3. Patrons are required to return borrowed items on or before the due date. Information about lending periods and limits is noted in the Library Material Lending Chart.
    4. Upon return, all material must be returned to the collection and may not be immediately reborrowed by the user for 24-hours.
    1. In order to reserve materials, patrons must provide a valid library card number, as well as a phone number or valid email where they can be reached or where can receive a message.
    2. Reserved materials will be held for up to one business week.
    1. Patrons are responsible for loss or damage to library materials while checked out to them. Charges for damage to library materials will be determined when the material is returned. Charges for lost materials will be the cost of the item as determined by the library and an additional processing fee, per the Fee Schedule. Charges may be assessed for the mishandling of library items (e.g. not following return instructions).
      1. An item is determined lost if it has not been returned by its billing date or if it has been reported lost by the cardholder. Cardholders will be charged the cost of the item listed on its circulation record, plus a processing fee.  Upon payment the cardholder will be given a receipt.  No refund will be made on any lost items which are later returned to the library.
      2. With preapproval from the Library, a cardholder may replace the lost or damaged item in lieu of the payment of the cost listed on its circulation record.  The replacement item must be in new condition and must have the exact same ISBN number as the item being replaced. The cardholder still is responsible for the payment of the applicable processing fee.
      1. The Library does not charge the cardholder for damage due to normal use, as determined by the Library. Library materials that are damaged due to normal use remain the property of the Library.
      2. The Library charges the cardholder, as indicated on the fee schedule, for damage beyond normal use.
      3. Damaged materials remain the property of the Library unless the cardholder pays the full price for the item.
      4. If an item is damaged beyond repair, as determined by library staff, the cardholder will be responsible for the full price of the item plus a processing fee. The Library holds most returned damaged materials for 90 days before disposal. (In the case where holding the damaged materials would be a health or safety risk, photos will be taken, and the item will be disposed. Photos will be available for review for 90 days.) Cardholders are still responsible for payment of fees charged for damaged items after disposal of the item by the library.
    1. Most library materials may be renewed once, unless there is an outstanding hold on the item. See Library Material Lending Chart for specific renewal information. Renewals by phone require the patron to provide the library card number for proper identification. In the event the patron does not have their valid library card available, the staff will reserve the right to renew the item if the patron provides additional information about their account or the item.
    2. Unless the item has an outstanding hold, is on reserve for another patron, or otherwise ineligible for renewal, a patron may request at checkout the lending period include the renewal period if the patron is going on an extended vacation or if there is another specific need for a longer lending period to be issued at checkout.
    1. On the day after the due date, all items will be considered overdue if they have not been renewed or returned. Official notice of the date due is provided at checkout and is available to the patron by accessing their online account or by contacting the library. The library will not call patrons to remind them of overdue items. The library will issue the following additional notices as a courtesy:
      1. Electronic Courtesy Notice: 2 days prior to due date, all items
      2. Electronic Overdue Notice: 2 days overdue, all items
      3. Final Overdue Notice (mail or electronic):
        1. At 4 days overdue for items with 7- or 14-day lending periods and OCLC-based interlibrary loan items
        2. At 7 days overdue for items with 21-day lending periods
    2. Patrons are not charged overdue fines for items checked out at Fondulac District Library. The library will issue a bill (mail and electronic) for the replacement cost and associated processing fees according to the following schedule:
      1. At 7 days overdue for items with 7- or 14-day lending periods and OCLC-based interlibrary loan items
      2. At 14 days overdue for items with 21-day lending periods
    3. Patrons experiencing unusual difficulty returning their materials should contact the Circulation Manager for appropriate alternatives.
    1. Fondulac District Library cardholders with an account balance of five dollars ($5) or more shall forfeit borrowing and renewing of library materials until the charge is below five dollars ($5). Cardholders of other libraries shall forfeit borrowing and renewing of library materials in accordance with the policies of the library that issued their card.
    2. The library reserves the right to deny use, borrowing, and/or reserving of library materials to any patron who repeatedly loses materials, returns damaged materials, returns materials excessively late, or otherwise does not follow library policy.
    1. Accounts with billed unreturned items and a balance of $50 or more will be submitted to a collection service 30 days after bill issuance and will be assessed a $12 collection fee. The collection fee is the recovery cost to the library. The collection fee is not waived upon the return of the items and is only removed from the account when it is paid. Accounts are removed from collection status and borrowing privileges are restored when all items are returned and/or fees and fines on the account are paid in full.
    2. The library charges fees for certain services, per the Fee Schedule. Certain services may have fees per additional specific policies related to those services.
    3. Patrons experiencing unusual difficulty paying bills or fees should contact the Circulation Manager for appropriate alternatives.
    4. Patrons should resolve disputed bills or fees before paying them. Once payment has been accepted, refunds will not be issued.
    5. Patrons have the option of paying account bills or fees by credit card, cash, money order, or check at the Library. Patrons may also pay from their online library accounts. This option includes a transaction fee assessed by the Resource Sharing Alliance for the service. There are no refunds for online credit card transactions.
    6. The Board authorizes the Director to update the Fee Schedule as needed.

Approved August 31, 2020; Revised January 24, 2022, effective February 1, 2022

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