Yummy: A History of Desserts by Victoria Grace Elliot
Reviewed by: Chelsea Bunton, Library volunteer
Genre: Graphic novel, nonfiction
Suggested Age: (9-12)
What is the book about? Yummy is a nonfiction graphic novel explaining the delicious history of some of the most popular desserts of all time. This book is organized almost like a talk show, hosted by some fun and witty sprites (fairies). Each chapter covers a different dessert, telling of its deepest origins and its development over time into our modern day versions. The sprites include historical figures, legends and lore, and scientific explanations as they dive into the sweetest histories known to humankind. If you think ice cream has only existed since the invention of the refrigerator- you may want to read this book.
My Review: I always enjoy absorbing information in interesting ways. Textbooks or documentaries are fine but they lose my interest quickly. Learning in the form of a comic book? Sign me up! This book was so amusing! The “host” sprites were delightful as they spun the story of delectable treats from history. I genuinely learned so much from this book, including how ancient peoples were able to keep ice in the summer and the origins of the necessity of baking powder for cakes. Each chapter ended with a recipe, and though I am no chef, I actually think I could successfully make some of these goodies (if comic book fairies can do it, why can’t I?) Whether you have a sweet tooth, or just a craving for some sweet learning- this book is certain to satiate your hunger.
Three Words That Describe This Book: Delicious, sweet, intriguing
Give This a Try if You Like…Baking competition shows, light-hearted manga or anime, non-fiction graphic novels, cookbooks
Rating: 5/5