My Brother is Away
by Sara Greenwood
Recommended Ages: 5-8
This is an interesting book that touches on a sensitive, yet realistic subject. A young girl must face her friends and her feelings because her older brother has been incarcerated. Her friends talk about her brother being a bad person. She must face the truth that he did something wrong, nonetheless she still loves him and misses him terribly. The little girl and her parents must take a very long drive to visit him at the prison where he currently resides. She is anxious about visiting her brother at the prison, but instantly feels excitement when she sees him and he greets her with a big hug. She quickly learns that she is not the only person to have someone they love in prison.

Gut Reaction
by Kirby Larson and Quinn Wyatt
Recommended Ages: 8-12
My reason for recommending this book is that it deals with a chronic illness (Crohn’s Disease) and all the obstacles that go along with being sick while trying to remain active and social. Tess is an 8th grader who has just moved to a new school and is dealing with the loss of her father while trying to fit in and make new friends. She believes her stomach pains are due to stress from all the new challenges she is facing, but later finds out she has a serious medical condition that she must learn to live with. Tess is also a very talented baker and is competing in an elite baking contest while dealing with her health condition. This book demonstrates the importance of mental and physical health and how they are so closely connected. It also endorses the positivity of friendship and support.
– by Christy Schurter, Youth Services Assistant